nenb - Non-Editable Note Book

Programmable, editable online notebooks are awesome. Like Mathematica, TiddlyWiki, Jupyter, Runkit, and Observable. I do find the "online editing" experience to be less than optimal though - I'm happier in a high-function text editor like Atom or Sublime Text. And do I really need to be able to edit my notebooks in the same place I'm viewing them in a web browser?

Let's find out!

nenb is an experiment that allows you to author a "notebook" in plain ole Markdown in a plain ole editor, and then have that "notebook" compiled to HTML.

what is this?

nenb notebooks are authored in Markdown files, but process two Markdown structures differently.

Atx headings at level one whose first character of the heading is @ are directives.

Markdown fenced code blocks are blocks, and by default not shown in the rendered HTML, but interpreted instead.

Both directives and blocks may be immediately followed by (ie, no blank lines) lines starting with with * (list items), which are the attributes of the the directive or block.

Let's look at some examples.



nend provides some default directives and block renderers

extending nend


usage from the command-line

npx moar-things/nenb [options] file file ...


-h --help      print some help
-v --version   print the version number
-o --output    directory to write output (default: same as input file)


If you feel you must install it globally, you can run

npm install -g @moar-things/nenb

which will provide a nenb command on your path. You may need to use sudo on that command, depending on your machine setup.

You can also install it as a devDependency (or dependency) in your own package, and then perhaps add an npm script to run it as you wish.


This package is licensed under the MIT license. See the file for more information.


Awesome! We're happy that you want to contribute.

Please read the file for more information.

generated by nenb 0.0.1